Friday, October 16, 2009

Fee Foil Fo' Medley

A while ago, I put up a FOI about the attorney and engineering fees associated with the Medley Centre from 2007 to present.

Apparently, there were no documents to show fees

to the attorneys (as told to the person requesting the FOI documents), and I find that a leeeeetle hard to believe. Specifically, there were no documents included in that FOI that showed attorney fees for Jan, Feb, Mar of 2009. The PILOT was hammered out during that time - I find it a little odd that the town lawyers didn't work on it - so there was another FOI request sent in specifically for attorney fees for Medley between 2007 to present.

Waiting on an official denial.....but so far.....after 16 news or status of the FOI.

C.O.O.G. FOI Laws.

On 9/25 the request was sent in.
"When an agency receives a request, §89(3) of the Freedom of Information Law requires that it has five business days to grant or deny access in whole or in part, or if more time is needed, to acknowledge the receipt of the request in writing."

Within the FOI laws, 5 days later an acknowledgement was sent confirming the request;

On 9/30 the Town Clerk confirmed the request.

"When an acknowledgement is given, it must include an approximate date within twenty business days indicating when it can be anticipated that a request will be granted or denied. However, if it is known that circumstances prevent the agency from granting access within twenty business days, or if the agency cannot grant access by the approximate date given and needs more than twenty business days to grant access, it must provide a written explanation of its inability to do so and a specific date by which it will grant access. That date must be reasonable in consideration of the circumstances of the request."

No approximate date was given.

11 days later, on 10/11 a "gentle reminder" was sent in about the FOI.

On 10/12 an assurance that there would be follow up was sent in response.
And.....since no word has been given on the follow up....another reminder was sent in on the 14th.

If there were no canceled checks for attorney fees related to Medley - as was told to the person requesting the information before - then a denial should have been issued right quick. If there are documents, then an approximate date needs to be given as to when this FOI will be ready.