Monday, August 31, 2009

A Potpourri Of Political Things....


Isn't it funny things "coincidentally" happen together?

It's uncanny!

Take, for instance,

a couple of donations from Bersin Properties from February 9th, 2009.

Link to NYSBOE.

Link to page.

A month before the PILOT deal was hammered out.

Sweeeeeeeeeet tax breaks in that PILOT deal!

Apparently, those tax breaks go right back into the coffers of the politicians. Isn't it cool how that all works out!

Kindly use some of that campaign contribution to send a letter to Bersin Properties to tell them they need to adhere to the terms of the PILOT agreement.

MPNnow article March 10th.

According to the article, the Supervisor said he had a demolition permit.

Demolition was supposed to have commenced 60 days after the entitlement date, which was April 7th, 2009, according to the PILOT agreement. Link to blog about PILOT.

Congel was also supposed to pay the Town $500,000 ON the entitlement date, and that hasn't been paid yet.

This just proves once again how absurd it is to give these taxpayer gifts to developers. RARELY are they penalized for failing to meet the obligations of their PILOT deals.

I don't know about anyone else, but when I violate the terms of a contract, or not pay the dues or fees I am supposed to - I am penalized.

Maybe I should just put "Inc." after my name.....or "properties"......then I won't be penalized.


Seems that Joe Morelle has a little sign envy.

Link to D&C article.

This article is just funny to me. Seriously. I laughed when I read it.

With all that is happening in the Town, County, and NYS itself.......the friggin' signs are the big issue.

"There's a lot of sign pollution in town, and it just doesn't look good,"

Yes. Sign pollution. That's my "voter issue" this year. I am so glad there is someone out there, protecting us from those big 'ol scary signs! One was so big it almost made me swerve into oncoming traffic. Those signs are dangerous.

Sign pollution.......never mind the poop going into the Irondequoit Bay from Densmore Creek....or the overflowing poop vats leaking into Lake no no.....instead of sending out someone to collect nasty water samples to see how healthy our waters are - please, PLEASE send out the guy with the measuring tape to check those darn signs!!!!

They actually are paying someone to go around with a measuring tape to measure signs.

Your tax dollars hard at work!

"Irondequoit's supervisor and Town Board members all are Democrats, but county Democratic officials said that makes no difference."

Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrre it doesn't.

"I did find it curious that Chairman Morelle failed to acknowledge that the Democratic judicial candidates ... have already violated many of Irondequoit's sign laws," Reilich said in a statement. "These include placing multiple signs on singular lots, signs in right-of-ways, signs placed on fences and a host of oversized signs on vehicles parked on public property."

Sign wars. Hot button issue this election.

Please, forget about our staggering taxes in upstate, our economic woes, our unemployed, our health care issues, our crime, our schools, or any of that....please, PLEASE make sure those signs are following the rules. I beg you! I have children! Protect them!

lol signs........oy.


They are infiltrating your mailboxes already. It's like Halloween candy out in July......a little too early for me.

Mary Ellen Heyman? Honesty and integrity? THE Mary Ellen Heyman that is the current Supervisor for Irondequoit? THAT one? Ooooookaaayyyyyyy. If you say so. *giggle*

"Democrats have always had a reputation for honesty. Don't let Bob Ament's campaign of lies and distortions ruin our reputation."

Yeah! Don't let "Bob Ament's campaign of lies and distortions ruin our reputation"........because their own lies and distortions speak for themselves!

They don't need any help from YOU Mr. Ament!!! Hmph!

How much money did they waste on that piece of crap? They didn't even list anything he supposedly "lied" about, and they didn't say anything about her "accomplishments". I'm sure there are plenty of residents who vote and aren't involved in all the "drama", never watch a board meeting, and don't read/watch the news.... and have no idea what they are talking about.

Without some specifics, how are they going to know what the "lies" and "truth" are?

It comes off as just a "Hey! This guy's signs are all over the place! We'd better get a mailer out" maneuver.

What a waste of good paper!


Somebody sent this to me. Too funny. (FYI - this cartoon was not done by Bob Ament.)

Here's another one...not as funny as the first one...