Thursday, September 8, 2011

Republicans Who Carried Petitions

For the cross endorsement of Republican Mary Joyce D'Aurizio, and Democrats Stephanie Aldersley, John Perticone.

Petition Carriers Looks like all of them only got 787 signatures....I believe Bob Moore, when he was being all political at public input, mentioned that he received over 1,000 Republican signatures.

A few letters in the I-Post about cross endorsements and public input:
Interesting that one letter writer was encouraging people to vote for Moore and Nottell - but yet carried petitions for Aldersley and Perticone.

There was also a report card on the cross endorsed candidates in the I-Post:


cheri said...

I'm very surprised by who some of the petition carriers were.

Actually some people on the list I would think would feel very hypocritical carrying a petition for the 2 Democrats.

Stephanie Aldersley and John Perticone were both in on renting King's Park all of a sudden, one meeting with no public input..they rushed and signed the PILOT that stinks...they both were part of the poor accounting that was going on under Heyman..the 5 foot fantasy..over inflated LaBella estimate for Pinegrove..the apprenticeship thingy etc.

Come to think of it, these are the same issues that Mary Joyce/Deb Essley and Paul Marasco brought up 2 years ago during their campaign.

Now they are carrying petitions for them, except Paul!?!?!

How things change but really stay the same...

Anonymous said...

Never thought I would live to see the day that the likes of Arnie Eckert and Norb Rapple would pass petitions for a Democrat. Wow.

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

It feels kinda weird, doesn't it?

Like, there's something just not right about this kool-aid......

It tastes a little funky.

I never thought some on the list would be bi...but by gum, they are!

Nothing surprises me anymore. That's disappointing. :(

Anonymous said...

The Republican Committee designated D'Aurizio|Aldersley|Perticone for their slate as did Democratic Committee.

The majority of each committee put partisanship to the side and voted FOR the mixed slate - FOR the good of the town.

Committee members are elected officials, elected by all party members in their districts to represent party interests in their districts. Committee responsibility is to designate candidates and petition for their choices.

When the majority emerges the rest fall in to support it. That's the way representative democracy works,from the ground level up. It's not an evil conspiracy.

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

Nobody said it was an evil conspiracy - it just doesn't feel right, that's all.

You have your opinion, I have mine, and I don't think it's odd that I feel supporting democrats that Republicans campaigned against in 2009 is "good for the town". Medley, King's Park, apprenticeship laws, audits.....

The Democrats supporting a Supervisor that the Irondequoit Democratic Committee, on their website, railed against on an almost daily basis....not only railed against but LIED about things she did or did not do....and now they think she's good enough to cross endorse?

If you committee leaders want to sit there and cross endorse so there will be NO CHOICES except who YOU CHOSE (not the voters....YOU)...then I think you have a pretty warped version of what a representative democracy is about.

I was going to say that I hope someday somebody decides for you who will represent you, and basically tells you that your vote doesn't count, and they know what's best for the town......just so you'd know how it felt....but I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy.

I wish it was just an evil conspiracy instead of the feelings that I have about cross endorsements.

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

"Committee members are elected officials, elected by all party members in their districts to represent party interests in their districts."

So, if, you're sayyy....a Republican Committee.....when you go to elect your members, do you have a bunch of people to choose from to vote for, or do the Democrats come in and say "Hey - this is who you're going to have for Town Leader, Deputy, and Chair on your committee. One is a Republican and two are Democrats. That's who you have. We're doing it so we can move the town forward."

Good grief.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous @11:30pm - tell your line of BS to someone else. You are obviously a graduate of the Morelle School of Minions.

cheri said...

It's for the good of the Town!
We are moving the Town forward!

Give me a Break!

So now party leader's decide who is Supervisor and TB members with NO resident vote necessary. They could get together every 2 years, make deals and the public sucks up the outcome.

Sounds like something I've heard of before. Now what was that?

Oh yeah, Communism - a system of social organization in which all economic and social activity is controlled by a totalitarian state dominated by a single and self-perpetuating political party.

The new combined party could be called - "we know what's best for you party".

Think of the money saved on elections - after all it's for the good of the town...

Brings a tear to the eye....politician's that care so much...

Yes, care about being re-elected...cough-cough....

Tom Rivers said...

Anonymous @11:30 said: "The majority of each committee put partisanship to the side and voted FOR the mixed slate - FOR the good of the town."

Interesting. I am part of the Irondequoit Republican Committee and I don't remember anyone asking for a vote on whether we would cross-endorse or not. I remember being told to accept it because it was what Bill Reilich wanted and that we would be fought hard if we went against "the deal".

As far as some Republicans who carried the petition with Democrats on it, I have been told by some that they did it to help the Republicans on it, not the Democrats. While I understand the sentiment, I still personally reject the whole idea and didn't carry any of those infernal petitions myself on principle.

Anonymous said...

My information was wrong. I was told that the Republican committee voted for the deal, too.

The deal was presented for a vote to the Democratic committee. The majority voted for it. The misinformation is that it was decided at the top. It wasn't. The Democrats had the opportunity to vote against it.

Choice isn't affected. The committees decide who they want to carry petitions for. That's all. Nobody can prevent a primary or a write-in.

Anonymous said...

Of course the town dems voted for it. Dems were about to lose at lease one of the "apprentice law, medley sham, and kings park" board seats. They would be fools not to accept a gift of two seats for 4 years. daurizio went behind her party and made a secret deal to turn the town over to dems in 2 years. It would be surprising if she did not switch parties soon. The only board member showing honesty is marasco. He is the only one trying to bring forth the truth of medley and he is the only person who told the board the titus deal is not a height or traffic issue but is a legal issue of zoning (june workshop). too bad its 4 against 1 in the truth department.

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

"Choice isn't affected. The committees decide who they want to carry petitions for."

Kinda hard to affect something that didn't exist. The committees never offered any choices, just what was already seems the majority of democrats in the Irondequoit Democratic Committee have voted to cross endorse and decide who will be on the ballot for both parties and everyone else in town better just fall in and support it.

For the good of the town of course.

cheri said...

Anonymous 12:57 said- "The deal was presented for a vote to the Democratic committee. The majority voted for it. The misinformation is that it was decided at the top. It wasn't. The Democrats had the opportunity to vote against it".

I'm so reassured now. NOT! If Joe Morelle said No to this idea it wouldn't have made it for a vote to the Democratic committee. How many of these committee people are going to go against Joe? I wonder.

I'm sure there are all sorts of reasons why certain people couldn't vote against Joe...

Then the Republican committee didn't even vote on it.

Soooo technically the candidate's were picked by the Democratic committee driven by Joe. There was no choice.

All for the good of the town of course. Almost forgot that part...

Anonymous said...

But Joe loves the Town dearly.

Anonymous said...

Anybody working on providing the list of the independent minded IDC members who passed the cross-endorsement petitions for the good of the Town?

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

Anonymous @ 8:44pm -


cheri said...

Anonymous 8:44 - Working on getting that information.

Interested to see the independent minded IDC members too.

For the good of the town of course. :)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Fair is fair. Expose the Democrats who passed petitions for the mixed slate. I heard there weren't many willing peons for that task this time.