Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Apprentice Law Is On Town Website


Here's a screen shot to show the document properties...that this was put on the website on 7/31/09 ten days after the Public Hearing of 7/21/09.

Here are the 4 pages that show the meeting minutes of the 7/21/09 Public Hearing dealing with the apprentice requirement law, and the wording of the law itself:

Here is my favorite part:

"The Town Board has determined that it would be in the best interest of the Town and its residents....."

Really? You might want to ask resident Mike Caccamise if this "law" is in his best interest.

"The Town duly considered......"

What, exactly? It wasn't the law and how it would exclude long time Irondequoit contractors and businesses like M.L. Electric from ever bidding on public works projects in Irondequoit again.

I don't think they considered anything but how amending the law would help a big chunk of their voting block.