Saturday, August 1, 2009

Not again........

I thought after the "5 ft. of land around Pinegrove" blunder, she would be a little more careful when throwing out those "measurement" type numbers......but nooooooooo.

Who needs accurate information when you can just whip out any ol' number and just pretend like you're giving out facts to the public because you know what you are talking about.

July 21st, 2009 meeting

Please pay attention to the 31:43 mark of the video, where Ms. Aldersley is talking about the "State of the art sewer system" in Rochester and Monroe County. She refers to the walk bridge, and the "100 ft. diameter tunnel" that serves the entire community.

A "100 ft DIAMETER tunnel?"

I hope she realizes that 100 ft. is probably the size of a 10 story building, and the footbridge itself is probably 100 ft. above the river, and that the diameter of that "tunnel" going across the river under the footbridge cannot possibly be 100 ft in DIAMETER. It's more than likely 10 - 16 ft. in diameter.

Either she doesn't know what "diameter" means, or she is completely clueless as to what the actual diameter is.

Either way, it would be much easier to swallow what she is trying to feed me if I knew she was correct with her numbers. How can I be sure the rest of her speech was accurate?

I can't.

I'd like to challenge anyone who spoke about how "great" our sewage systems/storm water systems go swimming after a heavy rainfall.

If you're so confident that we have "clean" water - and our tunnel system is so "state of the art".....then take a dip after the next storm.

I don't want to hear "Well, it's better than it was 30 years ago."

That's a lame answer that I don't want to hear.

Our beaches were just ranked among the worst in the state!

How do you think they got that way?

From our "state of the art sewer systems" with the "100 ft. diameter tunnels"?

Oh, heavens no!

The day I see one of the members of the board swimming at Durand or Charlotte or in the the day I'll believe our sewer system is "state of the art", and our waters are clean.

Until then.....quit feeding me the "overflow".