Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Blogger's Remorse Hits Again!

ANOTHER blog's commentary has mysteriously disappeared from the un-biased, un-tainted, non-political, real-stuff blog!

Is there a glitch in that system?

It looks like it was modified today at 2:53 PM.

(UPDATE: The text of the blog seems to be back up today, 8/25, with an "addendum" about Richard Barone apologizing.)

Good thing I saved the blog for you! Now everyone can read the un-tainted real-stuff that they crave!

The blog I did about Heyman's Campaign Contributions had a quote from this real-stuff blog.

"Certainly this could be "spun" in many different ways but let's recap a couple of the most salacious, egregious, comments, and compare that with the facts.

~There must be a Union pay-off in the form of campaign contibutions or in union workers doing Democratic "Lit drops". ~ (that's the salacious egregious comment!)

No one happened to check the NY State campaign finance disclosure site which outlines who has what amount of money in their campaign coffers and who it came from.

Please check Supervisor Heyman's."

I did, and it showed quite clearly that she has contributions from unions, and a lot of other connected individuals.

I'm just so "salacious" and "egregious", aren't I?


I'll have to have a talk with myself about that.......