Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Morelle Campaign Contributions

Link to NYSBOE site.

Link to history of contributions to Morelle.

A lot of information on there, and history too.

Not often, but sometimes, Joe shares what's in his coffers with "his" people who are candidates in elections throughout Monroe County.

So, if Joe has "X" number of contributions from "Y" individuals or corporations, then of course when he gives some of that money to "Z" - you can see that it is as easy as ABC to figure out what "Z" is going to do to screw "U" in paying back Joe for "Y"'s support.

It's not just Joe Morelle either.....I'm not trying to single him out because it happens ALL over.....Republicans and Democrats do's not new.

Money talks in politics. We all know this. It's nothing to be proud of, though.
But it is something we can try to change.

Not all PAC's are "bad".

Let's say you have a child with Autism and you want to bring awareness to others about this issue - so they don't have to go through what you went through in seeking services for your child - you can start a PAC to contribute to certain candidates who promise to help you bring awareness to your issue and hopefully fund some grants for autism research etc.

Worthy! Regular citizen, like you and I, is asking for help from their representative for their issue in order to help others in the future.

Maybe you don't think they are worthy of your tax dollars being spent on research for this "select group"......but I do......with some of my tax dollars in the form of grants.

Let's say you are a Real Estate Investment Trust who prefers to own land and lease that land for the government to use....meaning the taxpayers are going to pay a lease on the property - you contribute mega dollars under all different "umbrellas" to a legislator or candidate to help you bring in the dollars to your rental properties.

Not worthy! Giant corporations raking in millions, unlike you and I, wants to rake in more millions at the cost of taxpayer dollars in order to make a profit off of you that will only help them.

Maybe you think these corporate giants are worthy of your tax dollars being spent on leases to this "select group"......but I don't. Not with my tax dollars.

Here are the screen shots of Morelle's July 2009 Periodic - the most recent contributions to his campaign that is available to view on the NYSBOE website.




Other Receipts:


Transfers Out:

Expenditures Refunds:

Contributions Refunds:

July Periodic Summary:

As you can see, Joe gets contributions from many people, and many worthy causes.

Please feel free to google names and find out exactly who is giving to the campaigns of ANY candidate.

Do your research!