Friday, August 21, 2009

Render Unto Caesar The Things Which Are Caesar’s,

and unto God the things that are God’s.


This gentleman makes a good point, and suggests that the RCD close St. Salome's and Christ The King and make that (CTK) a Community/Senior Center, and keep St. Thomas's open.

In theory, logically.....I guess I agree......

But.....Dude! That's God's house!

A community/senior center is "caesar's house".

I don't feel too comfortable kicking people out of their sacred place of worship and neighborhood church to enable a Community/Senior Center to go there instead.

Seriously. That's kinda cruel in my opinion. Isn't it up to the RCD and not the town? Did anyone think to ask the parishioners what they thought about it before we go and say "Hey! Let's close YOUR church instead!"

Besides, the "small group of people" who dropped lit about King$ Pork and Pinegrove on cars in a church parking lot were called hideous monsters!

They were called "jihadists who were out to attack the Catholic Church".......

I can't even imagine what will happen if you start kicking people out of their sacred churches!

The church is for the parishioners who have supported it and dedicated their lives to it over the years.

.....and, how old is that church anyways? Almost 60 years old? Remodeled about 10 years ago?

Weren't "we" looking for a newer building that wouldn't need maintenance and be as good as the state of the art centers in other towns?

Didn't everyone say how old and tired the buildings are? How using your taxes for all the maintenance upkeep is wasteful?

Um.....yeah. I think so.

I'm not comfortable with kicking people out of their church, I don't care how bad you want a Community Center. That's just mean.